Travel: Handling Lost or Missing Receipts

Per university fiscal policy, FI0705 – Travel, receipts are required for all travel expenses over $75 on travel cards and $50 out-of-pocket, with the exception of Fraudulent/Disputed Charge, International Transaction Fees, Negative Adjustment to Total, Tolls, Car Mileage, Meals – Per Diem, and Cash Advance Returns. Credit card statements or slips are accepted for ground transportation, tolls, baggage fees and parking. Receipts are always required for fuel regardless of the amount. Travelers using a UT Travel Card may access card statements via their Global Card Access account.

NOTE: Acceptable receipts must be issued by the vendor, be legible and include the amount, date of purchase and details of the charge(s).

Receipts are always required for airfare, hotels, and car rentals.  If these are missing, contact the vendor to get a replacement receipt.    

If other expense type receipts are missing, Concur handles this with the Missing Receipts Declaration feature.

NOTE: The traveler must create the Missing Receipt Declaration, a delegate cannot access this feature for the traveler.

Screen Short of Missing Receipt Declaration

Expenses that require a receipt will be displayed on the Create Receipt Declaration screen.  If an expense report already has a receipt or is a receipt that does not require a receipt, it will not be displayed on the screen.

Concur provides documentation on how to use this feature in a brief video as well as a printable tips sheet.

If you have questions or need additional assistance utilizing the University’s travel system, please contact