Before proceeding, be sure you have the OneDrive application installed and configured and your T-Storage H: Drive mapped.
- This process must be completed using an on-campus computer. The VPN (Pulse Secure) will be unable to handle the file migration network traffic.
- Your computer’s hard drive will need to have enough disk capacity to copy the data to One Drive for the initial sync. For example, if you have 50GB of data in your H: Drive you will need 50GB of free space on your computer. Find out how much storage your PC has.
- Outlook PST files cannot be migrated directly or accessed via Outlook from OneDrive. OIT recommends using the Microsoft 365 Personal Archive to back up your email to the cloud. Contact the OIT HelpDesk to request a Personal (Online) Archive.
- It might be helpful to do an "H Drive prep" before syncing. This includes cleaning up files that you don’t need or don’t want to be moved over to OneDrive. We also recommend searching for .pst files and moving them to another location.
- OIT also suggests syncing all of your local folders and documents for backup, sharing, and versioning purposes. Other folders may include your Desktop, Documents, and/or Pictures.
Windows Instructions
- Open two File Explorer windows.
- In one File Explorer window, navigate to the data you wish to migrate in your H: Drive. In the other File Explorer window, navigate to your OneDrive folder.

- In the File Explorer window with your H: Drive data, press Ctrl+A on your keyboard or go to Home Tab > Select All to select all of your files. Press Ctrl+X on your keyboard, or right-click the files and choose Cut to cut all of your files.
Note: It is highly recommended to cut instead of copying the files. If they are copied, you may have shortcuts in recent items that will bring you back to the old location. If items are edited in the old location and new location it will be very difficult to combine them. Also, if the copy process is interrupted then you will have to start all over.
- Select your OneDrive window. Paste the folders and files into the top level of your OneDrive or double-click on a folder (such as Documents) by pressing Ctrl+V from your keyboard or going to Home Tab > Paste.
- The OneDrive application will start syncing your files.

- You can check the OneDrive icon (in the task tray beside your clock) periodically to see when your files have completed syncing. It should look like the icon below.

You can hover your mouse over it and it should state “Up to date.”

Note: If you have a large amount of data the sync process could take overnight. You will want to lock your computer when you leave for the day to allow it to upload. You will also want to make sure the system does not go to sleep after you leave.