An approver can see a history of both the requests and the expense reports that they have approved. They have options as to the time frame of the approvals, including all the items they have approved.
To see the history, the approver will first click on ‘Approvals’ in the black menu bar at the top.

Depending on whether the approver wants to see requests or expense reports, they will click the appropriate option on the white menu bar. The functionality for requests and expenses is the same for these two, however the screens are slightly different.
For expense report approvals, click on Reports on the white menu bar. The default view is Reports Pending Your Approval. Clicking on the View icon will provide a list of the types of views that can be displayed

Once a view is selected, a list of all the reports that fit those criteria will be displayed. The example below is all expense reports approved by this approver this year.

For request approvals, click on Request on the white menu bar. The default view is Requests Pending Your Approval. Under Limit Results to, click on the down arrow to the right of the current view to see a dropdown of the views that can be displayed. Selecting a view will provide a list of the types of views that can be displayed.

Once a view is selected, a list of all the requests that fit those criteria will be displayed. The example below is all requests approved by this approver this quarter.

If you have questions or need additional assistance utilizing the University’s travel system, please contact