What is the News Web Part?
The News web part lets you keep your site viewers in the loop with important articles and update posts. You can quickly create eye-catching posts like announcements, people news, status updates, and more that can include graphics and rich formatting. You can also easily link to external news articles without having to rewrite anything. Choose different layouts, news sources (good for hub sites), and send your completed posts by email to encourage more people to visit your site.
How to Edit the News Web Part
Visit Microsoft’s instructions on how to add and edit the News web part. These instructions cover selecting news sources, layouts, organizing your posts, creating news posts, creating news links, deleting posts, and more.
How Others are Using the News Web Part
Here are some examples of how others at UT are using the News web part on their SharePoint sites.
Section of UTK Employee Hub Home

Section of Graduate School Home

Section of UTK Employee Hub Home