Employees can add individuals as delegates to assist them in preparing requests and expense reports, or preview approving or approving in their stead. An employee must set up their own delegates in Concur, giving the delegate(s) the appropriate permissions. It is not required to have a request/expense delegate, but it is strongly recommended.
NOTE: Travelers wishing to provide access to others to explore and book travel on their behalf must assign Travel Assistants or Travel Arrangers. There is an FAQ on this process.
To set up a delegate, click the Profile drop-down menu and select Profile Settings to begin updating your account.

From the left-side navigation, click on either the Request Delegates or Expense Delegates link to add a delegate. Request and Expense contain the same information, so delegates can be set up in either place.
Click the blue Add button to search by name or email address to identify the appropriate individual and then select the appropriate permission options. Be sure to click the blue Save button before exiting the form.

Delegate permissions include the following: Can Prepare, Can Submit Reports, Can Submit Requests, Can View Receipts, Receive Emails, Can Approve (permanently or temporarily), Can Preview for Approver, and Receives Approval Emails.
These permissions allow delegates to prepare and submit card and travel requests, or to prepare expense reports. Travelers are required to submit travel or procurement card requests and expense reports themselves. The permission Can Submit Reports allows the delegate to create and modify expense reports; it is recommended that delegates click Submit as it will clear up any unresolved errors. However, the report will not actually be submitted. The report will have an error, “A delegate cannot submit an Expense Report for an active user.”

The second tab ‘Delegate For’ lists the people for whom the employee can act. The boxes checked indicate what actions the user can take on behalf of that traveler/approver. From the Delegate For tab, the delegate can select and delete individuals that are no longer serving as a Request or Expense delegate.

If you have questions or need additional assistance utilizing the University’s travel system, please contact