Google Drive: Delete Files or Folders


Instructions for deleting old or unnecessary files or folders in your UT Google Drive account.


Jump To
Find Unused Files | Find Duplicates or Drafts | Delete a Google Drive File | Permanently Delete a File | Empty Google Drive Trash 


This article provides instructions for deleting old or unnecessary files or folders in your UT Google Drive account. Old or unnecessary files could take up valuable space and limit your ability to create or upload new files.

Unsure how much space you have left in your UT Google Drive? Visit this article to Check Your Google Drive Quota


Find Unused Files 

  1. Go to Sign in with your UT email address and NetID password. 
  2. In the search bar that says Search in Drive, click the advanced search settings icon. 
  3. In the Owner drop-down menu, click Owned by me
  4. Next, in the Date Modified drop-down menu, select one of the options or enter a custom date range. 

Find Duplicates or Drafts

  1. To easily see duplicate files, switch to the Google Drive list view by clicking the list-view icon in the upper right corner of your screen. 
  2. You can also type "copy of" in the Google Drive search bar and hit enter or return on your keyboard to see any files that may be copies. 

Delete a Google Drive File

  1. Go to Sign in with your UT email address and NetID password. 
  2. Click on the 3 dots at the end of the folder or file name. Three vertical dots
  3. Click Move to trash. Files moved to trash will stay there for 30 days before automatically being permanently deleted.
    • NOTE:  When you move files to trash, 
      • If you own the files, people you have shared them with can make a copy. 
      • If you do not own the files, deleting the file from your drive only deletes it for you. 

Permanently Delete a File

  1. Go to Sign in with your UT email address and NetID password. 
  2. Follow the directions above to delete the file. Then, in the left-side menu, click Trash
  3. Click on the 3 dots at the end of the folder or file name. Three vertical dots
  4. Click Delete forever
    • NOTE: You will also see the option to restore the file. 

Empty Google Drive Trash 

  1. Go to Sign in with your UT email address and NetID password. 
  2. Follow the directions above to delete the file. Then, in the left-side menu, click Trash
  3. Click Empty trash in the upper right corner of the Trash page.
  4. Click Delete Forever.  



Article ID: 150075
Tue 3/12/24 1:38 PM
Fri 5/10/24 6:01 PM
Google Drive