DASH and/or Banner control your information as shown in the directory or UT email. This includes, but is not limited to, your name, phone number, job title, position, and department. Please note that information changes will take 2-3 business days to sync to all UT systems, such as the directory, email, and Canvas
You can change your name in DASH by following the instructions in KB: DASH: Editing Personal Information.
You can contact the One Stop office to change your name. For more information, please visit If you are affiliated with more than one UT campus, you'll need to contact those respective offices as well.
NOTE: If you are seeing an incorrect name in Banner, keep in mind that Banner displays your Chosen Name and First Name.
To update your chosen name:
- Go to and sign in with your NetID and password.
- Click My Resources.
- Click Change Chosen Name.
Student Employees
Student Employees must check with One Stop AND your departmental Human Resources to update their information in DASH. Student employees must follow both the above steps under Faculty/Staff and Students.
About Legal Names
While we have to keep a legal name on file, there are options for users to change their display name for the directory, email, and other UT systems so they can use a preferred name instead. A formal legal name change is not required to use this feature, and the legal name will continue to be stored in the directory under the tnOfficialName attribute, but will no longer be their display name. To set a display name, the user will need to work with the corresponding departments above based on your affiliation(s).