All files are required to be in a PPT or PPTX format.
Please submit 1 request per package (e.g. OPTION A + 10 Sec/Display)
Option Duration Price
Rotating slide on all 5 TVs
10 Sec/Rotation $300 per Week
20 Sec/Rotation $500 per Week
30 Sec/Rotation $700 per Week
Static slide displayed on 1 TV
1 Day $100 per Day
1 Week (7 Days) $500 per Week
Please select from the choices below:
OPTION A: 5 TVs; your slide is 1 of 20 on rotation.
OPTION B: 1 TV; your slide is the only slide on display.
Please select from the choices below:
Please select the duration you'd like your slide displayed:
Please select the duration you'd like your slide displayed:
Total Price: $300 per Week (7 days). Please confirm pricing by checking the box below.
Total Price: $300 per Week (7 days). Please confirm pricing by checking the box below.
Total Price: $500 per Week (7 days). Please confirm pricing by checking the box below.
Total Price: $500 per Week (7 days). Please confirm pricing by checking the box below.
Total Price: $700 per Week (7 days). Please confirm pricing by checking the box below.
Total Price: $700 per Week (7 days). Please confirm pricing by checking the box below.
Please select the duration in which you want your slide displayed:
Please select the duration in which you want your slide displayed:
Total Price: $100 per day. Please confirm pricing by checking the box below.
Total Price: $100 per day. Please confirm pricing by checking the box below.
Total Price: $500 per week. Please confirm pricing by checking the box below.
Total Price: $500 per week. Please confirm pricing by checking the box below.
Upon submitting this request:
  • STEP 1:  A RecSports represenative will email you with a copy of the request details and the total price associated with the request.
  • STEP 2:  Allow for up to 5 business days to receive email confirmation that the request was approved/denied.  This will include the start date & end date of your advertisment period, and a link to submit a credit card payment for displaying your sign.
  • STEP 3:  Upon receipt of payment, your sign will be posted per the approved request details.

Other Fields

Your name
Verification Code