When you are ready to print, please locate the file menu and click print. The name of the printer you want to print to is “RICOH-FindMe.” Once you click print, a window will pop up showing how much the print job will cost. Click print at the bottom of the window for the print job to go through. Once you are physically at the printer, you will need to login to retrieve your print job. You will use the same username and password you used to login to the campus computers. Once logged into the printer, locate your print job, and click on it. Then click the print button at the bottom of the screen. Once your print job has printed, be sure to log out.
Please be mindful that all printers on campus are set to print in black and white by default; please adjust the settings accordingly if you wish to print in color. Also, your print job may be released from any printer located on the college main campus.