ArcGIS Online: Things to Know Before You Leave



ArcGIS Online may be an integral part of your academic and research activities whether you are a student, faculty, or staff member. If you have ArcGIS online content that you would like to preserve -- especially if you are graduating, leaving to work at another institution, or will otherwise no longer be affiliated with the university -- it is crucial to manage your ArcGIS Online content prior to leaving to ensure a smooth transition. 

You will no longer be able to access ArcGIS Online after your Left UT Date. Once you have left the University of Tennessee, files stored in the ArcGIS cloud environment may be deleted to free up space for active students, faculty, and staff.

Many projects in ArcGIS Online are collaborative and involve multiple users. If the original creator leaves without transferring ownership, access to these projects can be lost. By transferring ownership, you ensure that your colleagues can continue accessing or working on these projects without interruption.

Failing to transfer ownership of your content prior to leaving could result in all of your maps, data layers, applications, and projects being deleted. Any apps your data layers may have been a part of will also cease to exist in those apps.  This can result in the permanent loss of valuable data and projects being used for ongoing research or coursework.

What Can Break if a Colleague Leaves and Their Content is Removed?

If a colleague leaves and their ArcGIS Online content is not transferred, the following can occur:

  • Shared Maps and Apps Become Inaccessible: Maps and applications shared with groups or individuals may no longer be accessible, affecting collaborative efforts and ongoing research.
  • Dependent Tools and Scripts Fail: Scripts, analysis tools, and models that depend on datasets or services provided by the user will fail to run correctly.
  • Public and Shared Resources Disappear: Any content that was shared publicly or within the organization might become unavailable, impacting the wider community or public who relied on those resources.

How to Reassign Content Ownership in ArcGIS Online

To reassign content ownership in ArcGIS Online, follow these steps:

  1. Identify Content to Transfer: Review all the content you own in ArcGIS Online and identify items that need to be transferred to another user.
  2. Contact Your Administrator: Reach out to your university’s ArcGIS Online administrator. Only administrators have the necessary permissions to reassign ownership of content.
  3. Provide Details to the Administrator: Give the administrator a list of all the content that needs to be transferred and the new owner’s username.
  4. Verify Ownership Transfer: Once the administrator has transferred the ownership, verify that all content has been reassigned correctly by checking with the new owner.
  5. Update Any Links and Dependencies: Make sure any links or dependencies associated with the transferred content are updated to reflect the new ownership.

If you have ArcGIS files you would like to save for your personal future use, please download a local copy to your machine. If you need to save cloud-based content, you can transfer the content to a personal ArcGIS Online Account.  More information about a personal ArcGIS account can be found here.  Please see this article for additional details regarding actions you should take prior to leaving the University of Tennessee to make your transition as seamless as possible.   Please contact the OIT help desk for assistance with accessing, updating, or deleting your content. 




Article ID: 152816
Wed 9/4/24 2:37 PM
Wed 9/4/24 2:38 PM
Research Computing Software