This article explains the key features of UT Verse, UT’s generative AI chat, where you can have AI conversations about topics that are geared toward our internal audiences, university business, and research.
This article explains the key features of UT Verse, UT’s generative AI chat, where you can have AI conversations about topics that are geared toward our internal audiences, university business, and research.
Features Included in UT Verse
- GPT-4 is here! UT Verse uses the most advanced GPT model.
- Easy access to AI Chat.
- User and business data is protected and will not leak outside the organization.
- Chat data is available for internal use only and not shared with third-party groups or used to train the public AI models.
- Manage access with UT Microsoft 365 accounts.
- LaTex support for mathematical and scientific equations.
- New on 3/7: Upload Microsoft Word (docx), Text (txt), and PDF documents and chat with the content.
Multi-User Chat Rooms
- Invite and join other people’s chat rooms and see who has access to your chats.
- Microsoft 365 Photo, Status, E-Mail, and Teams links included.
- Click on the header to close the menu or tap on the #users icon.
Chat Messages
- Code block support
- Line count and copy to clipboard function
- Syntax highlighting for code blocks
- In-line code blocks during explanations
- 297 programming languages supported
- Expand into split-screen for chat and code for Windows
- Copy code button available
- Text-styling and emoji support by the AI and other Users. Copy to Microsoft Word and retain any styling you have specified (headers, paragraphs, lists, etc.)
- Control buttons that include “Copy, Translate, and Text-to-Speech”
- Add Tables to your chat
- Citations and footnotes can be included
- All links open in a new tab
Translation Options
- Translate messages (yours, other people, AI) in 23 languages
- Translation ignores code blocks and inline code blocks to prevent breaking code
- Re-translate messages conveniently from the translated block
Text-to-Speech Feature (TTS)
- Supports up to 18 languages using TTS mode.
- Some translated languages do not have TTS support.
- Choose between Male or Female voices
- Ignore or allow code blocks from being spoken in TTS
- Auto-detect language to TTS
- Override TTS language with specified language
- Change TTS speed
- Change TTS Voice pitch
- Autoplay available
- Speak mode available
Speech-to-Text Feature (STT)
- Select up to 20 languages
- Some translated languages do not have STT support.
- Select up to 4 languages at a time for auto-detection
- Speak multiple languages at once (multilingual support)
Customize Your GPT
- Each chat thread contains its own GPT text. You can customize it and experiment to learn more about how AI functions and tailor it towards your needs such as personality and how to format text.
- Adjust the memory between short-term and long-term for the AI to discover what results it may lead to.
- Share your creations with your friends, colleagues, and instructors
Appearance and Accessibility
- Text-to-speech, Speech-to-text features, and related features
- Translation and related features
- Invert colors feature
- Choose one of 4 fonts
Guide System
- Guide page available on the navigation panel
- Click to expand and contract questions and answers
- Ability to expand and contract all questions and answers
Chat History
- Today / Yesterday / Older categories, plus search capabilities
- Sorting system based on date and time
- When you first load into the chat, you will be returned to the last conversation
- Indicator for selected chat threads
User Settings
- Available at the cogwheel at the bottom of the chat
- User settings are saved in your browser’s local storage
Change Log
- The change log is available by selecting the Last Update <date> at the bottom of the page.