Concur is the University’s authoritative source of travel data; however, IRIS is the system of record for all financial documents. All payments are made from IRIS and the financial documents reside there. Expense reports are created, approved, and processed for payment in Concur. Once an expense report has been fully approved in Concur, it is posted into IRIS via a nightly job for payment from IRIS. To track the payment status and see the payment history for an employee, IRIS transaction “FBL1N - Display/Change Line Items” can be used.
Transaction FBL1N - Vendor Line Items
The IRIS menu path for this transaction is IRIS Reporting > Financial > Accounts Payable > Payments to Vendors > FBL1N - Display/Change Line Items. For help with this transaction, select Help > Learning Content.
On the selection screen, enter the vendor account number. If you do not have the vendor account, you can find it using the drop down and look it up by the employee’s personnel number. Next, choose Line item selection/Status by clicking appropriate radio button to see:
- Open items (unpaid items only), and the date defaults to current date
- Cleared items (paid items only), and enter the appropriate date range
- All items, and enter the appropriate date range
For Type, Normal Items. Finally, for the List Output Layout, select layout /FBL1N-PMT to subtotal results by clearing document number. This layout allows you to identify all payments documents that were included in each payment.
When the transaction is executed, a list of all posted payment documents (the DocumentNo starting with 700) and their corresponding clearing document (starting with 200) will be displayed. The red status icon indicates the document has not been paid, while the green icon indicates the document has been paid.
Double-click the payment document to see the detailed payment document information. The Pmnt Method indicates whether the check was paid by direct deposit/ACH (T) for employees or check (C) for guests. If paid by a check, click on Environment > Check Information at the top of the screen to show the date the check was mailed. For direct deposit/ACH, the Clearing Date indicates the date the reimbursement was sent to the bank.
Note: Checks are cut and mailed on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so the check would be mailed to the address on file in IRIS the Tuesday or Thursday directly following the posting date.
If you have questions or need additional assistance utilizing the University’s travel system, please contact