ESS: Certifying Effort


Every person who works on a fund that requires certification of effort must certify the effort he/she expends on that project. These funds include:

• Sponsored project WBS elements

• Federally funded Agriculture Cost Centers (Hatch, McIntire, and Smith Lever)

Persons who must submit an hourly time sheet in order to be paid are assumed to certify their effort when they submit the hours worked on the fund that requires effort certification each pay period. (These are the “Staff: Hourly Input” employee subgroups in IRIS.) Employees other than these “Staff: Hourly Input” employees must certify electronically the effort they expend on a fund that requires effort certification. The certification requires the entry of both a cost and effort percentage. Certain types of additional pay charged to the fund must also be certified.

Please visit our instructional training documents and videos on Effort Certification.

For additional assistance utilizing IRIS, please visit our instructional documents and videos on the IRIS Help website.  You can also submit a help ticket online if you have additional questions.



Article ID: 138469
Fri 3/11/22 10:03 AM
Fri 3/18/22 8:38 AM