Travel: Personal Travel While on a Business Trip


Sometimes a traveler wants to include some personal travel along with a business trip.  This can be done on the front-end, in the middle, or on the back-end of the business travel.  If a request is required for the trip, the personal travel dates should be requested there.  When the expense report is created, the personal days and personal expenses need to be clearly indicated. 

On the request header, there is a field for listing the dates of the personal travel.   The dates should be listed in the format: mm/dd/yy-mm/dd/yy; mm/dd/yy-mm/dd/yy, etc, as needed.  The start and end dates for the trip should include these dates.

Screen Shot of Personal Travel Dates on Request


For the expense report, the trip header comments should contain information about the personal travel dates.  There are several things to take into consideration:

  • When a travel allowance is created, the personal travel time must be taken into consideration
  • If the hotel bill includes the personal time, the travel allowance has to cover the travel dates for the entire trip
  • When the hotel bill is itemized, all expenses on dates of personal travel must be expensed as ‘Non-reimbursable or Personal’ so there is no reimbursement for any of these expenses
  • The per diem meals must exclude the full day of any personal travel
  • Any travel card charges during the personal days must also be expensed as ‘Non-reimbursable or Personal’; not that receipts are not required for ‘Non-reimbursable or Personal’ expenses
  • Out-of-pocket expense during the personal travel should not be entered on the expense report

If you have questions or need additional assistance utilizing the University’s travel system, please contact






Article ID: 137401
Tue 12/21/21 2:44 PM
Wed 6/29/22 5:02 PM

