It's possible to restore a Zoom Cloud Recording that has been moved to the cloud trash area. After restoring the recording, we recommend saving it and uploading it to another cloud location. The Zoom Cloud Recording location is not a permanent file storage or file sharing area.
- Zoom sends email notifications to the leader of the session/recording to notify them when a cloud recording is approaching the removal date.
- Once a cloud recording is moved to the trash, it can be restored for a period of time. If it is not restored, the recording will disappear from the trash and will not be recoverable.
Restore a Zoom Cloud Recording from the Trash:
- Log in to your UT Zoom account at (select “Create or Edit Account” to log in).
- Navigate to the Recordings tab.
- If there are any cloud recordings in the trash, a link to the Trash cloud location will appear on the top right. Select this link to review deleted cloud recordings within the past 30 days.
- To recover the recording, select the Recover link on the right.
- Be sure to save the recording. Download it from the Zoom Cloud and then save it locally, or, upload it to another cloud storage location.