Google Drive: Sharing Files


Sharing Files Using Google Drive

  1. Open your Google Drive account.
    Note: If you have a personal Google account it is recommended to log into your UTK Google Workspace account in a separate browser to avoid permissions conflicts
  2. Upload the files you want to share using Google Drive. If the files are already uploaded to your account, select the file and click the 'Share' icon at the top. Alternatively, you can right-click on the file and select the 'Share' option from the context menu.
  3. The pop-up window will show up the list of people who currently have access to your file and the current permission of the file on the web.

Share with People and Groups

  1. Add people or groups by typing a name into the field. Once you select your sharing recipients, permission options will appear allowing a person or group to be a Viewer (Read-Only), Commenter (Read and Comment Only), or Editor (Full Access). 
    Learn more about how others view, comment, or edit files.
  2. Choose to notify people. If you want to notify people that you shared a file with them, check the box next to Notify people. If you notify people, each email address you enter will be included in the email. If you don't want to notify people, uncheck the box.
  3. Click Share or Send.

Get link

You can send other people a link to your file so anyone with the link can use it. When you share a link to a file, your name will be visible as the owner of the file.

  1. Share the file as described above. 
  2. Under “Get Link”, click Change.
  3. Choose who to share the file with:
    • University of Tennessee Knoxville (default) - Everyone at the University can log in and see your link. 
    • Restricted - Only people added can open with this link.
    • Anyone with the link - Anyone on the Internet with this link can view.
  4. To decide what people can do with your file when you share it, select Viewer, Commenter, or Editor.
    Learn more about how others view, comment, or edit files.
  5. Click Copy link and then Done.
  6. Copy and paste the link in an email or any place you want to share it.



Article ID: 133900
Thu 6/24/21 10:04 AM
Fri 10/13/23 1:03 PM
Google Drive