Request the Certificate
Request an SSL Certificate from the OIT Service Catalog. Once you have your certificate, come back here for installation instructions.
Installing the Certificate
- It is assumed that you know how to properly generate a CSR (Certificate Signing Request) and how to install and use the resulting certificate in your application. We can request the certificate for you, and we may be able to offer suggestions based on familiar environments (Apache, iPlanet, IIS, Lotus Notes), but we will not be responsible for making the certificate work in your environment.
- Many applications come with their own tool for working with certificates. If yours does not, we have found that OpenSSL works if your system comes with that product.
- The Comodo support site has instructions for generating certificate requests for a large number of software packages. You might check out their site for hints:
- Be sure to download and install the entire certificate chain, or at least verify that all root and intermediate certificates are already installed in your server or application certificate database.
- Don't lose the private key that is generated along with the CSR, and don't forget the private key password. Your certificate won't work without them. Your application may hide or take care of these things automatically for you.
Renewing the Certificate
- Certificates are NOT automatically renewed. Certificates generally expire after one or two years. You may receive a renewal notification, but you may not. Regardless, you are responsible for requesting a renewing your certificate.
- Renewal consists of submitting a new CSR in most cases, but not all; check with OIT first.