Your NetID password is used to authenticate on such systems as your UT Email, Online@UT (Canvas), and myUTK. If you change your password to 12-16 characters after setting up two-factor authentication, your password will not expire. If your password is less than 12 characters, your NetID/AD password will expire every 180 days.
Password Complexity Requirements
You can only change your password if you can currently login. Once your NetID/AD password is changed, it will take 15 minutes for the new password to take effect.
If you have forgotten your NetID/AD password or if it has expired, see Create or Reset Your NetID Password.
Be advised: You must log out of all applications and devices connecting to your account before changing your password. If you have any program or device that stores your password, you will need to update that password before trying to log in again.
If you know your password follow these instructions:
- Go to the NetID Password Change site.
- Enter your NetID and password, then click Login.
- Review the Tips for Protecting Your UT Accounts, then click Continue.
- Last, you will be prompted to set up a new password and verify the new password. Check the box verifying that you agree to the Acceptable Use Policy and click Continue to complete the process.
If you have forgotten your NetID/AD password or if it has expired, go to the NetID Online Password Reset site.
Staff and Faculty
If you know your Windows computer authenticates using the UTK Active Directory*, follow these instructions:
- From your computer, press the Ctrl-Alt-Delete keys.
- Choose the option to Change Your Password.
- Enter your old password to authenticate, then enter and verify your new password. *If these instructions apply to you, OIT recommends that you only change your password while on campus.
If you know your password and are unsure if your computer is in Active Directory, follow these instructions.
- Go to the NetID Password Change site.
- Enter your NetID and password, then click Login.
- Last, you will be prompted to set up a new password and verify the new password. Check the box verifying that you agree to the Acceptable Use Policy and click Continue to complete the process.
If you have forgotten your NetID/AD password or if it has expired, see Create or Reset Your NetID Password.
Password Complexity Requirements
- Be a minimum of 8 and no more than 40 characters in length
- Contain some combination of at least three of the following:
- Uppercase letters
- Lowercase letters
- Numbers
- Punctuation & Symbols
(Accepted: `~!@#$^&*()_-={}|[]:;'<>?,)
- May not contain a significant portion of your username or display name
- May not reuse last 10 passwords
Some systems will not allow you to authenticate with passwords that contain special characters such as @, &, (, ), <, >, and $. It is recommended you refrain from their use. Passwords cannot contain spaces or non-English characters.