Instructors wishing to teach online may use Microsoft Teams to give assignments, hold video class, chat with all the students in class, groups working on projects, or hold office hours and chat with individual students. In order to be able to give assignments, a Microsoft Team must be created as a Class Team.
- To create a Class Team, log in to Microsoft 365.
- Choose Teams from the Apps. (If you have not previously used Teams, you may need to select All Apps first.)
- Once you are in Teams, go to the Teams icon.

- In the upper right of your screen, select Join or create team.

- Select Create a team.

- Select Class for the type of team you want to create.

- Put in the name and description of your class. Note: team names need to be unique. Suggestion: Use the full registrar name of your class with the code. For example: Foundations of Accounting - 20001 - ACCT 200 - 001

- Press Skip here. So that you do not have to add students individually. Generate a code instead.

- It is much easier to generate a code you can email to your class or post on your Canvas page to enable students to join your class. See these instructions from Microsoft for how to generate a code.
- Give your students these instructions on how to join a team using a code.