PowerPoint: Compress Pictures


How to compress pictures in MS Office for PowerPoint presentations.


Microsoft products such as PowerPoint are immensely powerful tools that can enable users to create documents and presentations rich with photos and other images. A side effect of this ability is very large file sizes---especially when it comes to image-rich presentations. This has two consequences:

  1. It takes up valuable space in an Online@UT (Canvas) course site’s Files area.
  2. It makes it much harder for students to quickly and efficiently download and view the presentation.

However, Microsoft offers a setting in its Office products that allows instructors to keep high quality, image-heavy documents while still maintaining a smaller overall file size. The function is called Compress Pictures.

Please visit the following support guide for instructions on compressing pictures: Compress pictures to reduce the file size in Office

Even a simple reduction in image size from uncompressed to the “Print (220 ppi)” option using the Compress Pictures function can reduce a PowerPoint presentation by more than 90%!



Article ID: 118388
Thu 10/15/20 9:14 AM
Mon 12/12/22 12:58 PM
Microsoft Office